Sunday, November 25, 2007

Flooding and a new lesson learnt!

I'm going to share with you something funny that happened to me last night. (Actually it was quite horrible through out the entire ordeal)

Prelude: I was at Steve's place for Thanksgiving dinner. We had a traditional American thanksgiving dinner with the turkey, pumpkin pie...whole affair. During dinner, we were telling stories about experiences during Thanksgiving dinner. One of the stories shared was about how a pipe had burst in this Canadian couple's place during Thanksgiving and water started flooding the entire place and they had to call for help. As they continued on their dinner, every where wet as it can be, they had maintenance people punching holes in the wall to find the leak. The way that the story was told had the whole table roaring with laughter.

Anyway, by the time I got home, I was so stuffed and happy, so I decided to just have a relaxing evening, do my laundry and lie back on the couch to channel surf.

I must have fallen asleep but was then awoken by the sound of dripping water.
"Damn the bloody washing machine" I thought as I got up.
**My nonsense washing machine sometimes leaks...but only a little...just enough to be a nuisance. **

So I got up from the couch and put my feet on the ground and found myself in ankle deep water.


"I must be dreaming" I said to myself...Too much food and funny stories...(the first thought that came to my mind was the story that the Canadian couple shared). And then I realize that I wasn't dreaming and the house was indeed flooded.

Shit!! I got up and went over to the washing machine and saw water pouring out from this little contraption which Mum was meddling with just before she left for Taipei. I switched off the washing machine, the water stopped pouring out and it was then that I looked around and saw the damage that had happened. Picture this....little furnitures floating around in the water. My house looked like it had just been hit by hurricane katrina.

My guitar, my carpet, my boxes, shoes, food, all.....WET!!!

Armed with a small rag and my dustbin, I started scooping the water up. There was no other way. I damn well gave up a few times....and did stop a couple of times to see who I could blame this misfortune on. Perhaps, I also had thought, I should just give up and call for help downstairs. Let this be somebody else's problem....I thought...out of pure frustration. But each time such negative thoughts came into my head...I took a deep breathe and pushed on.

After 7 hours of cleaning, it was finally done. The washing machine is fixed, the soapy water ..all mopped up, the floor re-cleaned, the laundry hang out to dry, all wet things...hanging out to dry...what an experience that I don't want EVER to happen again!

But as I sit here, blogging my little sob story to you...don't be mistaken that I've found myself beaten. On the contrary, I find myself coming out all the more stronger and convinced of the things that I can do if I just perservere.

It was a lesson well learnt and although I still don't wish for it to happen, I've just got this sense of satisfaction and confidence that I can do things, no matter how tedious as long as I put my mind and soul into it. And I believe this to be true for you too.....

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